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* Thursday, August 24, 2006 *

What we learn~

The English language can be kinda interesting sometimes. Learnt some interesting usage of the language in today's Techniques of Professional Speaking and Writing module. By the way, dun be fooled by the juvenile-looking/sounding name of this module; it is even more difficult than General Paper! O_o"

Anyway, as i was saying, we were required to decipher some baffling terms which we wouldn't use in our everyday conversations. The first example was relatively simple:

A particular female specimen of the canine breed - Most of us would noe that this means a female dog~

The next few were jux bewildering:

Cerebral faecisitis - Shit in your head

This is not a wilful misplacement of my ontological predicates - I'm not lying (Can u imagine how many ppl u can confuse by saying such an unfathomable sentence jux to express the meaning of these 3 simple words?)

This next one is hilarious:

He extended the forefinger of his left hand and ran it through the circular aperture of his right nostril and proceeded to extricate the contents of which with euphoria - He digged his nose happily
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* Thursday, August 17, 2006 *

KFC O.R. Chicken Chop

Went to Jurong Point for lunch on National Day. Was kinda loitering around when we walked past KFC and saw that its interiors has been refurbished. Decided to have KFC for our lunch and proceeded to plonk our butts down on these new comfy couch-y armchairs that caught our eyes. They should have more of these couch-y armchairs coz there were only like 4 tables with these seats. We were lucky enough! ^_^

Ordered the KFC O.R. Chicken Chop. Anyone tried it yet? This is actually like my 3rd time having it. The 1st time i had it in the Lot 1's branch and the sauce tasted too salty. The 2nd time i had it in Plaza Singapura and it was passable.

Have u ever wondered what the O.R. stands for? Original, perhaps? The irony is that their chicken chop is anything but original! O_o"

To put it nicely, the size of their chicken chop was too humble a size. The "specially made mushroom gravy", as proclaimed on their website, was merely the sauce u would find in their whipped potato. Add in slices of those canned button mushrooms and TADA! Specially made mushroom gravy~

The crinkle-cut fries were nothing to shout about. The "delicious raisin coleslaw" is none other than KFC's usual coleslaw with a miserable amount of raisins thrown in. (The raisins were kinda sour by the way~)

Talk about sincerity! I can get better fare at the neighbourhood coffeeshop's western stall for less than $5.95~ -_-"

To be fair, the chicken was indeed tender and succulent enough. This is also the reason why i kept going back for their chicken chop. However, it's gonna be a long time yet before i have my next one. Until they make significant improvements, that is~

P/S: It's officially one month since i entered MDIS! Adapting well, except for the friggin' projects of coz!
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* Wednesday, August 09, 2006 *

Happy National Day!

Today's National Day! The day when u shouldn't feel paiseh to show ur patriotism for Singapore! All of u closet patriots, now's the time to step out~ Those who hate it here and can't wait to get out of Singapore, fuck off plz. I've never been amiable towards people who are like that; dunno how to appreciate Singapore as it is. To those who oppose, i'm not saying everything's great about Singapore either, so shut up. Haha~

As usual, couldn't get tickets to watch NDP at the National Stadium. Not even the preview. I much prefer the old system whereby people had to queue up for tickets than this new balloting system. For the former, at least there's some hope. For the latter, hope's close to none~

However, managed to get the pre-preview (8th July) show tickets from cousin's friend who's a performer or what. It was printed Family Day on the tickets. Went down to Hang Ten to buy their official NDP red t-shirts with the word "Singapore" printed on them and wore it straight to National Stadium. It was indicated on the back of the tickets that there will only be light fireworks~ Haiz i suppose i can't really ask for much. Better than nothing! I was happy enough!

All the perfomers can only get this pre-preview show tickets this year, perhaps due to the overwhelming response for the balloting. This is the last time NDP is being held in the National Stadium after all. Back when i was in Sec 1 and performed in the choir (My CCA is not choir, by the way. -_-"), i could at least get the preview tickets~

I'm going to miss the old National Stadium. Spent 4 happy months there in 1999.

Here's some pics i took at the pre-preview show~

*Took this pic while i was walking*

We were given these small packs in which there's mineral water, a Singapore flag and those clapper sticks which we had to blow up ourselves~

*To my left...*

*And to my right...*

*This performance was recycled. Saw this exact peformance in the exact same venue~*

The sun was scorching hot! But everything is still worth it! ^_^ Unfotunately, the digicam went out of batt before i could take any pics of the night performances and the fireworks! Nevertheless, had a great time still~ ^_^

Happy Birthday, Singapore! ^_^

P/S: Updated a pic which i've forgotten about in the previous entry~
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* Monday, August 07, 2006 *

Phin's Steakhouse

Went Bugis Junction to jalan today and lunch time arrived not long after. Quite sian about the eateries in Bugis Junction liao, so we decided to venture out!

Remembered reading about this place called Phin's Steakhouse which served fantastic fish and chips from some food blog. Armed with a digicam, we crossed the road over to Liang Seah Street and proceeded to find this particular restuarant among the whole row of eateries~

It was pretty easy to find~

As today's a weekday and it's not exactly lunch hour yet, it was still pretty vacant as we stepped in~

Their set lunches are relatively affordable. We ordered 2 fish and chips set lunches; one traditional and one beer-battered. The former costs $9.90++ and the latter, $12.90++. Both sets include homemade garlic bread, soup-of-the-day and choice of tea, coffee or iced tea~

Service was rather brisk. This is what arrived after about 5 minutes~

Tried the soup first. At first i thought it tasted a bit like minestrone soup but then i saw chunks of seafood in it, thus it could be seafood chowder in tomato base. Anyway it was rich but not too thick, just enough to whet our appetites~

The homemade garlic bread arrived warm; crispy on the sides, soft and buttery in the middle. Dipped it into the soup and took a huge bite. Perfect comfort food~ ^_^

Our piping hot main dishes came soon after~

Haha paiseh, a bit too close-up~ Anyway, it was great! It might not be clear from the pic, but the portion of fish being served was really quite generous; 2 whopping pieces of beautifully crisped fish~ It tasted close to divine, i tell u! The coating was wonderfully crispy and its inside was remarkably tender and moist. It literally melted in my mouth! The coleslaw was fresh too~

The traditional fish and chips was the crumbed type. The coating was crispy too, and not too oily. Its inside was really soft and juicy too~ ^_^ The size of these 2 pieces was so massive that they covered the fries and the coleslaw~ O_o"

All in all, it was a scrumptious and greatly satisfying meal. 2 thumbs up! ^_^

In order to better digest a little of that sizable meal, we went off to bugis village to jalan a bit. Came across this stall which was recommended in this food programme before~

Wah these loaves are like, humongous! The delicious smell of freshly baked loaves was wafting through the air, coupled with the sweet scent of freshly made kaya~ Didn't try it though, was too full!

Haha really looked like six-pack~

On my way home, encountered this really weird uncle:

I was so ready to burst out laughing when i saw this peculiar sight! Fortunately i still had an ounce of self-control~ I can't believe this particular uncle's wearing tights in broad daylight! I risked my reputation to take this pic ok! People were staring at me! O_o" It was too funny and rare a sight to let go of! I took this pic while the bus was moving and was kinda rushed coz my bus was reaching my stop~ Luckily it turned out fine~ ^_^
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