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* Monday, July 28, 2008 *

Never-before-seen food pics on this blog! (II)

It's that time of the year again when i scour my archives for this past year, for piccies that has never been posted here!

I presented the pics in collages of several categories last year after this blog's 1st birthday, so i figured i might as well make this into an annual thing~

There's twice as many unposted pics as compared to last year, so piccies galore ahead! This is gonna be a super long entry as i've added in my personal random notes below each collage in relation to the pictures!

Do click on the link below each collage to view a larger and clearer image of the collages! ^_^


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Random Notes (Homecooked)

**For the huat kueh to "huat" beautifully, dip a knife in cooking oil and cut the batter into quarters before steaming! (The [un]huat-ed kueh pic shows what happens if u don't!)

**Did u know that potatoes are one of the most misunderstood foods? Contrary to what many people believe, potatoes are hardly fattening if you cook it in healthier ways (boiling, steaming, baking... etc) as it is actually more than 75% water!

The reason why it has gained a reputation for being fattening is because potatoes soak up oil very easily when it is being fried~

I adore potatoes no matter how they're cooked, and a healthier alternative is to prepare a potato salad!

A potato salad is real easy to prepare:

1. Boil some potatoes (they're ready if u can cut through with a knife or poke through with a chopstick - usually 30 minutes or so, depending on the size of the potatoes), and leave aside to cool before peeling and cutting them into cubes

2. Drizzle sufficient low-fat (it's up to ur preference but low-fat makes it a tad healthier, no?) mayonnaise over the potato cubes

3. Add in black pepper and salt to taste

4. Sprinkle chopped spring onions or chives

5. This is optional, but u can also choose to squeeze in a wedge of lemon

6. Stir and mix well!

7. Chuck it into the fridge (or freezer for faster results) for awhile if u prefer ur potato salad chilled (i do)!


Click here for a larger image of this collage!

Random Notes (Fastfood)

**Baby and i avoid going to superdog nowadays as it's almost always a super long wait for their food to arrive! The fish and chips wasn't nice at all~ =(

**I like how subway's always so generous with their portions of veggies!


Click here for a larger image of this collage!

Random Notes (Local)
**We're so lucky that the cze char stall in the coffee shop near my house turned out to be so darn good! ^_^


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Random Notes (Japanese)
**Both Baby and i feel that the sushi from takashimaya's cold storage is the best among the supermarkets!

**The chicken cutlet bowl and teriyaki chicken bowl from yoshinoya looks so tempting to me now! *salivates*

**Wah yoshinoya very generous with their mayonnaise on the salmon! Like free lidat haha!


Click here for a larger image of this collage!

Random Notes (Donuts)

**The donuts from pop doh have a cakey texture; it's nice for the first few donuts, but it's also easy to get sick of it as it's really heavy on the palate!

**I like munchy donuts' donut empire's choz o'cream donut (the dome-shaped and covered with dark chocolate one) coz it's filled generously with butter cream!


Click here for a larger image of this collage!

Random Notes (Snacks)

**The double chocolate cupcake from paisley & cream is lip-smackingly good! Its dark chocolate frosting's very rich but not too sweet!

**The cookies & cream ice-cream from azabu sabo was horribly bland and watery!

**Pie kia is overrated! Their pies smell so fragrant every time i walk past their shop but they turned out to be so mediocre!

**The triple c (cheesy curry chicken) from chippy's were horrible! I thought there's gonna be cheese fillings in the chicken but the cheese came in a tub instead. There was hardly any hint of curry too!

My goodness doing up this entry made me so tired haha~ I hope all of u have enjoyed the pics and notes! ^_^
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* Thursday, July 17, 2008 *

This blog turns 2!

狂贺!!! Couchpootato turns 2 today! 恭喜老爷~ 贺喜夫人!!!

Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee~~~!!!

Like I've said last year, this is my 4th blog ever since i've started blogging 7 years ago and it's my longest-lasting blog ever! (I just kinda lost interest in the previous 3 blogs after a period of time haha~)

But i've found my passion! 庆幸有个和我一样爱吃的Baby, 能陪我到处品尝美食! ^_^ And thank u all for coming here! Here's to many more good years to come! ^_^
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* Saturday, July 12, 2008 *

Pepper Lunch (II)

I didn't realise that it's been more than a year since we've gone to pepper lunch!

Baby was feeling adventurous that day, so he ordered one of their newer items; the japanese curry rice set ($10.90).

Our advice is, plz dun order this! Or probably any of their newer items (spaghetti and such) too for that matter! The portion of the chicken was meagre and the curry was so blah i can't even remember its taste!

I stuck with my good old hamburger steak set ($13, with drink)~ We realised all over again how easy it is to be sick of pepper lunch! I think it's gonna be ages before we set foot in here again!
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* Tuesday, July 08, 2008 *

Secret Recipe

The 3 ah siaos and me went for lunch at anchorpoint on our last day of the news module and we decided on secret recipe after scrutinizing every eatery there haha~

Both ah siao milo and mion ordered the chicken lasagne ($8.90)~ I think both of them regretted the choice coz the portion was pretty meagre and it didn't taste that good either~

I didn't get to taste Syahidah's tom yum kung noodles ($12.50) but i think it should be alright since there wasn't any complaints from her? Haha~

I liked my pan-grilled catch of the day ($11.50)! Although the menu reads "with lobster sauce", i reckon it tasted more like mushroom soup instead haha~
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* Thursday, July 03, 2008 *

Boon Tong Kee

Baby fetched me from school on the rainy saturday mum made dumplings and we decided to have lunch on the way back~

My bus home from school goes past this stretch of eateries (cheong chin nam road) at bukit timah and it sure is hard not to get tempted!

Anyway, we had a sudden craving for chicken rice! Boon tong kee it is then!

The appetizer ($1.50) which we hardly touched! Too sour! My goodness, so heart pain for being charged for something we didn't want! Must remember to tell them the next time before they automatically plonk it down on our table!

Their pyramid-shaped rice (50 cents)! Hmm... didn't make much of an impression!

Chicken for 2 ($9)! See that layer of jelly under the chicken skin (top right)? I didn't dare to eat it and so it was up to Baby haha~ He said that it was tasteless and the texture was just jelly-like~

As for the chicken, it was tender and we liked the sauce doused all over it!

Our favourite veggie - sambal kangkong ($7.80)! Portion was rather large (of coz la, look at the price! O_o")

We also ordered barley and lime juice ($1.80 each) and our total bill adds up to $25.65 after GST! We would have felt ripped off if it wasn't for the satisfactory standard of their food!
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