These are actually pics from our trip to the zoo a year ago!!
29th May 2009

Aren't they precious?! I especially like the orangutan on the far left with its tongue sticking out - so cute!!

I imagine that's what the horse must be thinking and really wanted to say when Baby and I stood there ogling at its beauty for quite a while~
FYI, kua si mi = hokkien for "see what see!?"

Just basking in the sun, my human friends!!

Guess whether this crocodile is real or fake?


Is there more than one snake here?!

Moulted snake skin!! I find it most fascinating and was observing it closely for a prolonged period of time before Baby announced that I'm perverted -_-"

Another piece of moulted snake skin!! Right behind is a set of snake skeleton~

This pelican (I think it's a pelican) was pooping into the water behind it as I snapped this pic!!

Nice scenery!!

I like the feel of this pic!!
And my favourite pic for this zoo trip:

Love is in the air...~~
29th May 2009

FYI, kua si mi = hokkien for "see what see!?"

And my favourite pic for this zoo trip: