Just after i've recovered from diarrhoea, the dreaded cold and cough virus had to come invade my system. My menses decided to join in the fun by choosing to arrive at this exact moment.
Being in the foulest of moods should never be a reason for me to be so unreasonable to Baby. I felt so guilty after that! But Baby still came over early morning before going to work and before i go to school to hand me this:

虽然昨晚我一直跟你怄气, 今天一大早你还是特地送来了这一袋满满的爱, 真的让我好感动。
Bro turned 16 on the 20th and i'm insanely jealous of his youth! We had our usual "cze char celebration"
(for any occasion haha) and Baby was here as well! ^_^

Fried noodles, sambal kangkong, stir-fried fish slices, chicken in plum sauce, seafood assortment and mum's fantastic fried prawns!
Pandan kaya, chocolate and mango~Cake slices from bengawan solo: cheap and good!
All of us chipped in to get Bro his first handphone! Kudos to him for not succumbing to the temptation of owning a handphone considering how everyone in sec sch nowadays owns one!
All of us, including Bro preferred the white model, but no more stock!My personal gift remains the
same every year: candies to cater to Bro's sweet tooth!
Re-using mcdonald's happy meal box!
The candies!I try not to get those run-of-the-mill candies and i got the ringpop and pushpop for nostalgia's sake!
Remember these?
It's the mooncake festival again! Anyone gotten sick of eating mooncakes yet? Haha~ Mum has already notified everyone beforehand
not to give us any mooncakes coz we cannot finish them every year!
(Look at what happened last year!)We make our own mini snowskin mooncakes
every year, and together with Baby's gift of traditional baked mooncakes, it's more than enough for us!
We couldn't get lotus paste this year coz it's sold out everywhere! This taught us a lesson: we should be
kiasu-er and buy it earlier next time haha!
Since there's no lotus paste...

Substitute with green bean paste and red bean paste! We've decided on 2 flavours this year: mango and orange~ The mango-flavoured one has dried mango cubes stuffed in the paste!
Busy busy...~
Love the red polka-dotted paper cups!We made 8 boxes of 6! Most of them are gifts; we only kept 1 box for ourselves~
Love the Q skin!
Gift from Baby: Lotus paste double-yolk baked mooncakes~ I love love love the yolks in baked mooncakes! ^_^
Which do u prefer? The traditional baked mooncakes or snowskin mooncakes?
We were in The Cathay for Wall-E and we wanted to get a quick bite for our lunch before the movie starts, so we chose... QuickBite. ^_^

Both of us went for the Value Meal 8
($5.70), which included a stick of mushroom-stuffed bacon, 2 chicken skewers and a fried chicken drumlet over rice~
Pretty mediocre stuff, except for the mushroom-stuffed bacon which we loved! The enoki mushroom provided an interesting texture and the strips of bacon tasted like bak gwa haha~

Our extra order: gyoza
($3.90). We liked it but it was nothing to shout about~
We bought tickets for the digital version; same price, so why not? And it was in the grand cathay; love those couple seats! ^_^

The movie was alright but i guess i was a little disappointed. I had expected more coz of all the hype and raving reviews!