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* Sunday, May 25, 2008 *

PastaMania (II)

I wasn't actually gonna blog about this but i thought i should warn u peeps about this horrible pasta i had in pastamania!

I had this Chicken Cheese Salsiccia ($9.90) and it was absolutely appalling! The pasta was overcooked which made the texture kinda mushy and the spicy tomato sauce was bland but it definitely doesn't make it any less weird! The only saving grace was the cheese sausages!

And to think that this dish actually comes recommended in the menu!

Baby's reliable Creamy Chicken ($8.50 + $ 2.20 for upsize)! Dun u think it looks like a plate of hokkien mee from the pic?!

Our Mango Soda ($3.40)~ Baby prefers his usual passionfruit flavour to this, while i think that they are all artificial-tasting haha~
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* Sunday, May 18, 2008 *

Google sent me moolah to spend!

Look what arrived in the mail the other day! My first ever Google cheque! This is my 2nd time to receive a small "earning" from the internet! ^_^

They check ur account at the end of every month and will cash out ur earnings automatically once u've reached US$100~ It took me so long to reach this amount lor!

I wonder how long it's gonna take me to earn my next cheque from Google! *shudders*
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* Wednesday, May 14, 2008 *


Woohoo! End of project = end of job stint! ^_^ Thank goodness the job didn't turn out to be that bad after all!

Our celebratory dinner at... lot one's foodcourt haha!:

Our mixed fry (tempura prawns, fried pork cutlet and fried salmon) bento sets!

This new jap stall is pretty darn good! Love those tempura prawns and the zesty coleslaw! Their chawanmushi even triumphs the chawanmushi some sushi chains have! And the extra bowl of rice belongs to my 饭王Baby! ^_^

P/S: I just realised that every single one of my sentence in this entry ends with an exclamation mark! Including this postscript! I feel so good now that i'm becoming random! ^_^
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* Sunday, May 11, 2008 *

Mother's Day 2008

(I'm gonna write in Mandarin so that my mum can read this entry too!) 母亲节前夕, 我们在家举办了一个迷你庆祝会, 还邀请了妈咪's side of relatives!

多亏有Baby帮我把花握得那么稳, 我才能把照片拍好! =D

这六朵颜色鲜艳的毛绒玫瑰花是送给到场的妈妈们的! 可爱的妈咪因为听说今年会旺她的颜色是桃红色以及红色, 所以就选了朵桃红色的 (on the left with a purple ribbon)!

我们从报章上看到了FoodTalks 的广告后便当机立断, 预订了它们的迷你自助餐。大家之前经过一番讨论后所选择的菜色就包括了 (从左上, 顺时钟) 亚參香酸鱼 (本来要的是酸甜鱼)、酥炸饺子、焖豆腐、罗汉斋、參巴鸡、凤梨炒飯。至于甜品呢, 我们就选择了果冻! (not shown in picture above)

自助餐准时送到, 食物也是热腾腾的, 但是我们原本的酸甜鱼却变成了亚參香酸鱼! 甜品的分量少得可怜, 而食物的水准也不算好, 所以我想我们应该不会再光顾它们了!

这是从另一个角度捕捉到的画面! 因为拿不定主意要post哪一张, 所以干脆两张都一起post上来吧!

在母亲节期间预订它们的自助餐, 还附送一个一公斤的奶油蛋糕! 所幸蛋糕还挺令人满意的; 口感松软, 奶油也不会太甜!

Baby也买了味道一级棒的烧鸭、叉烧和烧肉 (picture shown below) 来加菜!

嘻嘻不好意思! 馋嘴的Baby和我在拍下以上的照片之前, 就已经忍不住偷吃了好几块叉烧! =p~~ 不过幸好我们偷吃得有技巧, 所以从照片上看不出来hor? 嘻嘻。。。

就像每年一样, 我和弟弟都会请妈咪到餐馆去享用一顿。今年妈咪说只想到邻近的餐馆就好, 然后便心血来潮提议了在我们家附近的ten mile junction的一家印尼/泰式餐馆Magic Wok。这家餐馆平时的人潮寥寥无几, 让我们既好奇又担心! 可是到了最后, 好奇心还是战胜了!

记得几年前曾经到过Magic Wok的另一家分店用餐; 那时的人潮相当旺盛, 菜肴也挺美味的, 就不知为何在ten mile junction的这家分店生意会如此惨淡, 与隔壁生意兴旺的中餐馆形成强烈对比!

前一天自助餐的黄梨饭水准逊色, 吃得不够过瘾, 所以忍不住想再品尝多一次!

绝对少不了我们最爱的sambal kangkong! 稍嫌这里的kangkong不够辣, 反而还多了一分甜。

这道參巴苏东的酱汁竟然和辣椒螃蟹的酱汁味道相同! 当时还真想来份炸馒头沾着酱汁吃!

铁板豆腐虾仁的用料还挺丰富的。如果在铁板上的那层蛋花再厚些, 那可真是天衣无缝啦!

虽然菜单上写的是炸春卷, 卖相及味道却像是炸五香比较多。香甜的沾酱是不错的配搭!

妈咪的甜品; 椰浆西米露! 妈咪说它的味道普通; 西米露的口感不佳, 应该是不新鲜的缘故。

其实整体来说这家餐馆的菜肴都相当不错, 价钱也很合理 (而且还不外加消费税和服务费哦), 就是不明白为何生意会如此惨淡?!

吃饱了之后, 我们步行到附近的Bukit Panjang Plaza闲逛~

经过Missy Donuts的挡口看到这些可爱的迷你甜甜圈, 就忍不住买下来当做是饭后甜点! ^_^
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* Sunday, May 04, 2008 *

HK Roast & Iron Man

We were in Cineleisure to have our lunch before catching Iron Man when i suddenly remembered that there's a stall called HK Roast in the basement's foodcourt which was featured on channel 8's 抢摊大行动!

I was kinda expecting a long queue but surprisingly there was none~ The adorable auntie and uncle didn't seem as shy as they were on TV!

Both of us went for their char siew rice ($3.50)~ Baby is a 饭王, so he always requests for extra rice without fail~ We were so amused when one of their helpers served us 2 plates of char siew rice and another plate of duck rice as she'd apparently misheard Baby's "加饭" for "鸭饭"! Haha~

The char siew was succulent and tasty, albeit a tad salty. It was above average but i'd really expected it to be better!

We caught Iron Man after that!

My goodness, this is such a great movie! We haven't enjoyed watching a movie so much in ages! Peeps, u must catch Iron Man if u haven't already done so!
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* Thursday, May 01, 2008 *

I Hate Working!

I am blogging so irregularly nowadays coz of work! I've taken up a temp job in science park almost 2 weeks ago as i'm on sch vacation till end of May and i'm counting down everyday till the end of this job stint!

As u can tell from my blog url, i'm a couchpotato; so work makes me stressed and moody and tired and sleepy and that in turn makes me lazy to blog! I shudder to think how i'm going to cope when i'm gonna have to work permanently after i graduate in the future!

I'm too lazy for my own good!

Actually, this temp job would not have been that bad but... shit happens.

Anyway, here's what i had on my first day of work at a canteen near my office building:

Breaded fish and chips~

Mebbe coz i wasn't expecting much, but the meal wasn't half bad!

P/S: I hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working i hate working.........
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