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* Friday, November 30, 2007 *

My 21st Birthday! (III): Homecooked Meal!

Hehe paiseh there's still quite some parts coming up for my 21st birthday! I like to divide them into parts so that they'd appear more organised instead of me lumping all the pics into one super long and cluttered blog entry!

So... tolerate with me for the time being eh? ^_^

Baby and i always insist on a homecooked meal whenever we celebrate something; it has become some sort of a tradition for us!

Since this dish went so well for our anniversary, we decided on this again! Besides, we were craving for it! Haha~

Pan-fried potatoes and sutchi fillets with mushroom and white wine sauce~

Pan-fried goodness~

My absolute fave!

We also ordered a small cake (jux for the 2 of us!) from Lil' Foot!

Can't wait to open this!

Woohoo! Chocolatey goodness! Lemme quote this from her webbie, "It’s chocolate and cocoa content is also replaced in entirety with a unique blend of the Grand Cru Series of Valrhona gourmet chocolate" and also "featuring a crunchy Hazelnut Feuilletine base that makes it all the more delectable."

Are u sold yet?

I love these candles!

I made Baby sing a birthday song in both ang moh and cheena for me haha~ ^_^

I hope that doesn't look gross! Paiseh ah wasn't a good cutting job coz we jux wanted to gobble up the cake haha~
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* Saturday, November 24, 2007 *

My 21st Birthday! (II): Home Party!

I held a birthday party at home for some of my relatives the week before my 21st! It was nothing grand, jux a simple affair, but it went great nevertheless! ^_^

I had such a difficulty sifting through all my pics and choosing which ones to post here as i was obsessed with my new camera and snapped away like a maniac; especially of my cakes!

I was really looking forward to the arrival of the cakes i ordered from Cupcake Divinity! I was really worried that they would be late but surprisingly, the delivery was an hour early! I couldn't wait to see whether they'd turned out the way i wanted them!

The bigger box was for the 1/2 kg cake and the other for the 20 cupcakes!

The ribbons were tied up so nicely i couldn't bear to open them haha~ But i did anyway and here's the cuppies!:

They're exactly how i wanted them! So very pretty and sweet! Can't help smiling even as i look at the pic now... ^_^

I had a tough time trying to decide on the cupcakes' designs:

Those are a few of my favoutite things! Random, but don't they look so nice together? ^_^

And of coz, i had to have this!:

My princess cupcake! Cute onot? Haha~ The tiara even bears my name! Mum had to keep reminding the kids (especially the girls!) not to touch this particular cuppie coz it's mine only! Wahaha...~

And here's my whole cake!:

It looked great! The details were what i wanted although the final look was a little different from what i imagined to be, but it worked for me as well! ^_^

A tiara on my castle! Grand, eh? Haha!

We wanted a catered buffet initially, but we decided to opt for fast food delivery instead coz it's more convenient and everyone loves them! Here's the food!:

Not yet unpacked...~

We had both KFC and Rite Pizza delivery! Mum also cooked her specialty; hakka niang tofu, as well as longeivity noodles as a traditional birthday custom!

BBQ Chicken and Winter Special!

Time for some cake after polishing off the food! I was damn proud of my cakes coz everyone was praising how cute and pretty they looked! Wahaha...!

I couldn't even bear sticking the candles into the cake! Haha~ 2 long ones and a shorter heart-shaped one for 21! In case anyone's interested, the long ones are from Daiso and the heart-shaped one is from Art Friend~

Couldn't resist taking more pics of the princess cuppie! And look at the details of the sides of the cake! The little specks of brown are not dirt by the way, they're chocolate cake crumbs!

Not forgetting party favours for the kids!:


Which one would u choose?

The candies are packed into little paper bags and i let them choose which design they want!

Those are mini clips i bought from Art Friend to secure the paper bags!

Kiap kiap!

Baby was so sweet! He got me a bouquet with little bears and pink roses!:

So very pretty and cuuuuuuuuute!!! OMG i love this bouquet to bits!

Testing out the new camera's colour accent function!:

In pink...~

And in green!

Thank u Baby, for both the camera and this bouquet! They're the best pressies ever! ^_^ *hugs*muackz*
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* Saturday, November 10, 2007 *

My 21st Birthday! (I): My Very First Pressie!

Oh. My. Goodness.


I can't believe i got this from Baby as my very first pressie for my 21st birthday!

It's the Canon Digital IXUS 860 IS!!! It's mine! Mine, mine, mine! I've finally got a camera to call my own!

I'm the happiest and luckiest girl on Earth right now! *twirls around in joy*

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Fishermen's Wharf (II)

We were in clarke quay when i had a sudden craving for some pipin' hot fish and chips! We thought of the nearby Fishermen's Wharf which we haven't been to for months, so... no prizes for guessing where we went for dinner!

27/29 New Bridge Road
Singapore 059392

Tel: 6532 6468

Part of their menu~

We didn't want to be stuck in the humid non air-conditioned restaurant, plus a really nice, comfy breeze was playing up by the river; hence the natural choice would be to order takeaways so that we can eat by the river!

Their takeaways came in those cze char boxes; chilli/tomato sauce sachets, tartar sauce, serviettes and plastic cutlery were provided~

We had the cheapest on the menu; cream dory fillet ($6.50)~ There is no need to check out the other more expensive ones coz they can't compare! The irony eh?

Check out the generous portions! Fried to a gorgeous golden brown while the insides remain moist and tender~ They're really one of the better (not to mention affordable!) fish and chips here!

Be forewarned that they get real crowded on friday and weekend nights! And u noe how it is to be stuck in a crowded non air-conditioned place with the pungent smell of grease!

I'd say order a takeaway and enjoy ur meal by the river instead! ^_^

P/S: Ask for chips instead of fries if ur like me who like 'em soft and more potato-y!
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* Monday, November 05, 2007 *

Miss Clarity (II)

It's Miss Clarity again! Milo, mion and i wanted to get some research done at the national library, so we decided to lunch here as it's jux across the street!

Milo and i ordered their set lunches (only available on weekdays) which is inclusive of a soup, drink and dessert~ The soup-of-the-day was corn soup again...

Mion didn't get a set lunch as the Beef Stew Vol-au-Vont ($10.80) she wanted is not included in the set lunch menu~ Her beef stew came in a generous portion and was served with potatoes and a puff pastry; i didn't try it, but according to mion, it was rather crispy and yummy~

I tried a bit of the beef though. It wasn't too bad; i thought the meat was rather tender, but still retained its chewiness. Anyway, mion said that she got sick of the dish half-way through!

My Crispy Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce ($8.80 - set lunch price)~ It's name says it all... fried chicken drenched in black pepper sauce~ The crispy skin turned soggy after a while due to the sauce though! Very ordinary; almost anyone can duplicate this dish at home!

Milo ordered the Fish Cordon Bleu ($9.80 - set lunch price)~ I recommended it to her although i've never tasted it before haha~ I did have the Chicken Cordon Bleu before (read about it here), but the chicken breast meat was much too tough, so Baby and i sorta resolved to try their fish version someday as we're sure it would be much better!

Anyway, i resisted ordering it today as i only want to try it together with Baby! Hee~ I couldn't help pinching a little of that yummy mayonnaise which i so love though!

The dessert-of-the-day was a single scoop of their strawberry ice-cream~ It tasted a bit weird to me, but milo thought it was good in a different way... go figure.

They already had a mini christmas tree all decked out in decorations and such!

For details like their addy, webby and such, u can refer to my previous post about them!
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* Saturday, November 03, 2007 *

Ikea (II)

We were in the vicinity, so we headed to Ikea for our lunch!

We ordered one daily special (it was saturday); nasi biryani ($4.90)! My goodness, we were so surprised at how good this was! 2 huge slabs of tender boneless chicken thigh meat, fragrant biryani rice, topped with curry gravy which was super yummy! I don't like the archar though, but that's jux me!

U have to try this; it's available on every saturday for the month of November!

We wanted to order small portions so we could have a variety of dishes; hence the kids' menu! The chicken nuggets with chips ($2.90) was surprisingly good too! Love the nuggets; crispy batter with tender, moist insides!

From the kids' menu too; a small portion of their famed meatballs ($2.90)!

Their chicken wings! Pipin' hot and crispy!

And... tuck in! ^_^
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