It was time again for our post-module/projects/exam mini celebration! Off to Marché at VivoCity this time round!

This is definitely a must-have for us; rosti with sour cream and spring onions! The 3 of us shared 2 rostis and as u can see, the other 2 ah siaos couldn't wait to tuck in haha~

Calamari! The batter was crispy and the squid soft yet chewy~ The chilli was too sweet though!

Grilled snail sausage with baked potato as a side~ The sausage was fine, but i prefer the veal sausage and cheese sausage~

My salad! I only got this coz i was so tempted by the little dressed potatoes! I only took the potatoes and ham haha~

My mushroom soup! I couldn't have the chilled root beer Milo and Mion had coz i'd jux recovered from a cough. =(
But the soup was good enough! Thick and mushroomy!

Our crepe! It was supposed to be a plain crepe but gluttony us plonked so much stuff on it haha~ Chocolate chips, honey syrup, cinnamon sugar and caramel! ^_^
And i love how the chocolate chips melted on the pipin' hot crepe!
Check out my previous visits
here and
Mooncakes overload! These are all the mooncakes we have; all gifts!

How to finish?!
I used to help out in the mooncakes stall every year during mid-autumn festival back in MI and we would make lots and lots of mini snowskin mooncakes for teachers and students~
This canteen auntie taught me the recipe and mum tweaked it a little bit by replacing room temperature water with cold water to make the skin retain its Q-ness longer this time round~

The pink is orange flavoured, the green honeydew flavoured and the brown chocolate flavoured!

Baby joined in as well~ ^_^ The 3 of us made about 50!
The pink ones~Love the skin! So

This is random, but i discovered that these bottles of colouring and flavours were arranged very nicely when i was clearing the table, so i felt compelled to take this pic~
Today's the actual day! Da bao-ed cze char; this is sort of like our little tradition whenever we celebrate an occasion~

The tofu dish was pipin' hot; hence the smokiness over that area! Mum made our favourite fried prawns! ^_^

Cakes from Four Leaves~ Coco Exotic for the birthday boy, fruit cake for mum and cheesecake for me!
Here's our presents to the birthday boy!
Foxtrot comic book!
Box filled with goodies!
These are the candies! Not much, but they ought to satisfy my bro's sweet tooth! I sourced from various places and tried not to get those typical ones!
Happy birthday once again, my ickle bro! ^_^
My ickle brother's birthday's approaching soon; he's gonna be turning 15 on the 20th! Wah lao so young can!?
*disgruntled*Mum and i brought him out for lunch the weekend before the big day~ We left the choice to him and he went for The Rice Table!

I would have said what i wanted to at my
previous entry on The Rice Table, so not gonna say much here!

My favourites: the satay, fried fish in sweet and sour sauce and tahu telor!
That's 2 orders of tahu telor on 1 plate u see there! ^_^

Double orders of satay and fried fish in sweet and sour sauce! ^_^
Part 2 coming soon...
It was off to our celebration after our agonising, tormenting
and taxing EM module + projects + assignments + exam! Don't even get me started on the
shit we had to go through and endure! Irritants, irritants all around...
Anyway, back to our celebratory lunch! We settled for Waraku (Central's branch)! ^_^(Previous visit

We decided to order a rice set
($4.80 each) for each of us and share 3 side dishes! The miso soup was yummy, although a tad salty~

My pick: The german sausage set
($6.80)! Doused in ketchup + a dollop of mustard~ I love love
love the potato slices! Portion was meagre though;

Mion's pick: Salmon cheese
($6.80)! The fried pieces of salmon were crispy and moist; couldn't taste the cheese though!The tartar sauce was superb by the way; loads of chopped onions which i absolutely dig!

Milo's pick: Potato mentai ($8.80)! We had no idea what mentai was, but we were sold by the yummy-sounding description on the menu haha~
The whole dish tasted like cheese actually! O_o"
The view we had from our window seat!
There weren't many choices for lunch as i was nursing a cough~ =( Ended up here coz we realised we hadn't try this place out yet~
8 Grange Road
Singapore 239695
Tel: 6235 6480 (Check out their webbie for the other branches~)
Baby didn't want to have any iced drinks when i can't, so it's teh si
($1.20) for him and horlicks
($1.20) for me! ^_^

We took a long time contemplating the menu coz there were so many items! At long last, Baby chose the char siew rice with egg
($6.90) coz he didn't want to eat anything that i can't! ^_^
Nothing much to say coz it was jux really average!

I wanted something soupy so i ordered the luncheon meat soup noodles
($5.90) which is really jux instant noodles with an egg, luncheon meat and some veggies~
This is a common dish in hong kong cafes and i've always wanted to order one haha~ Plus it suited me at that time coz it was simple... and soupy! ^_^
I was glad the soup didn't taste MSG-laden~ Other than the noodles being a tad soggy, there weren't much complaints!

We ordered their pan-fried carrot cake too~ The carrot cakes had a smoky fragrance and were quite yummy!
We had expected them to be jux average and they turned out to be so~ But we'll be back coz they have so many other items and we're tempted!