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* Tuesday, February 27, 2007 *


Down with a cold and cough~ Urgh!!!

Baby turned up with hot milk from Delifrance... hee~

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* Tuesday, February 20, 2007 *


The day Baby came to visit~

Went to VivoCity to jalan jalan and made an impromptu decision to have an early dinner at the new Marche~

1st stop: Rosti, of coz! *Rubs hands in glee* ^_^

Rosti with sour cream ($4.20++) and our root beer ($3.80++)~

Another shot of our rosti~

I suppose they use salted butter to pan-fry the rosti~ Yum! Both of us finished it pretty fast~

But alas! Forgot about the spring onions! But it's ok, there's always the 2nd round of rosti! Wootz!

Our 2nd rosti, this time with spring onions and veal sausage ($7.80++)~ ^_^

Swiss cross buns ($1++ each) and palatable mushroom soup (Large - $4.80++)~

Charming decor~

Jux above our table~ Charming~

Thank goodness we went in early coz this was what greeted us when we came out from the restaurant!

VivoCity #03-14
Singapore 098585

Tel: 63768226
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* Monday, February 19, 2007 *

MOS Burger

MOS Burger's definitely one of my favourite fast-food joints~ The orgasmic corn soup, the straight-cut fries... not to mention the surpassing standard of their burgers~

Although their quantity is small and prices are generally higher, their quality would have made up for that~

With no place in mind for lunch when hanging around the day before CNY eve, we made MOS Burger our choice~

Our favourite teriyaki chicken burgers~

One small burger couldn't possibly satisfy Baby; hence another plain dog (no chilli dog for him coz he had a minor eye infection)~

Can i jux say that i hate mustard?! Revolting taste!

Succulent chicken in teriyaki sauce, fresh lettuce, heaps of onion slices and dollops of mayonnaise in between grilled buns; jux the way i like it! ^_^

More milk for our iced milk tea plz!
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* Sunday, February 18, 2007 *


Happy Chinese New Year to all!!! HUAT AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ^_^
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* Thursday, February 15, 2007 *

Our Valentine's Day~

I hate it when occasions deserving of a celebration with my baby fall on a weekday. A huge chunk of the day would have been wasted as he has to work and i might have classes.

How could we let Valentine's Day go by jux like that? Hence, we devoted the weekend before Valentine's Day to our celebration~ Hee~

Here's our food trail!

10th February, Saturday:


Jellyhearts! So pretty! ^_^

The 3 layers of a jellyheart~

These were so yummy! Such a pretty sight too! These undoubtedly made a most wonderful gift for Valentine's Day~ The strawberry jelly layer was not too sweet, the cheesecake layer was rich, and the crust layer was yummylicious-ly crumbly~ Love the perfect little strawberry hearts embedded in the jelly!

Jellyhearts is a home business; u can call 94597711 to order~ $8 for a box of 10 or $16 for a box of 20~

Made cheese omelettes with sausages and baked beans at the side, accompanied by a glass of chilled ribena~

Was good! ^_^


Watched Spirited Away as we ate~ Exchanged pressies~ Made love coupons for baby! He loved them~ ^_^

Part of what i got from baby:

All the goodies are heart-shaped! So sweet! ^_^

Jux thought that this looked nice~

Headed to chinatown to soak in the chinese new year atmosphere~ We were packed like sardines and the heat was unbearable! Still fun nevertheless; bought some interesting candies for the upcoming Chinese New Year~

Had our dinner there~

Can't remember the exact name of the restuarant, but there's "tiong bahru" in it. We had lemon chicken rice and it came with peanut soup. Baby ordered 2 more side dishes; their zhao pai tofu and stir fried veggies~ Everything was so tasty! ^_^

11th February, Sunday:

Decided on making chicken chop! It was our first attempt and im proud to say that we did a pretty fine job!

Look at the huge servings! Especially our favourite straight-cut fries and that heap of coleslaw! Wahaha~

Dinner was wanton mee in heeren~ Im sure most people who have been to heeren would know about this place. Pontian wanton mee or noodles, not too sure~

I love their springy noodles, unlike those factory-made quality offered in most coffee shops' stalls. Their fried wantons are crispy and fillings are generous. Noodles are tossed in this savoury dark sauce; mouthwatering! Self-service for green chilli (perfect condiment for wanton mee!) and mayonnaise (essential for the fried wanton!)~

14th February, Wednesday, Valentine's Day!

Chairs adorned with little ribbons, in contrast to the huge ribbons used last year (did not actually go there last year, jux happened to see them)~

We actually made a reservation a week ago for dinner at terra cafe (bugis) on Valentine's Day; foreseeing the sizable crowds and long queues everywhere.

Proved to be a wise choice as we look at the long queue snaking from the restaurant's entrance to who-knows-where and thought, "Ha! Silly people who did not make reservations! Serves u all right for having to wait! I shall take my time and slowly devour my food while u all stand waiting with ur bouquets of flowers and aching feet!" Wahaha~

Evil, i know. ^_^

Pretty decor

2 fish 'n chips sets (includes soup-of-the-day and dessert) and shared a chocolate milkshake. Blissful~ ^_^

Roses in 3 different colours from baby~ ^_^

Aren't the roses huge?

Look what i found:

There's TWO strawberry kiss(es) inside!!! How rare! Jux reached into a bag of strawberry kiss(es) which mum bought and fished this out! What a timely find for Valentine's Day! ^_^

I call this good boding! ^_^
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* Wednesday, February 14, 2007 *

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!
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* Friday, February 09, 2007 *

Graduation Project for Diploma~

Finally handed in the graduation project for my diploma course which is due tml~ Good riddance, i say! Jux have to wait for the oral presentation on the 26th and it would be over and done with!

Work till the start of the advanced diploma course~ Sian lah!
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* Saturday, February 03, 2007 *


Went to VivoCity to jalan jalan and decided to have our dinner at Superdog~

What we had:

Chilli dogs with cheese, chilli cheese fries and ice lemon tea~

Not bad, i would say! Everything tasted so fresh~ Their chilli cheese fries tasted kinda similar to Carl's Jr's Beef Chilli Cheese Fries though. Except that Superdog uses straight cut fries while Carl's Jr uses shoestring fries. Prefer Carl's Jr's version although i do prefer Superdog's straight cut fries~

Also prefer Carl's Jr's system of free-flow drinks~ Can make my own ice tea where i can add in lots and lots of lemon slices! Can also mix up different drinks for own creations!

Tip: Mix ice tea with sprite, be generous with the lemon slices, and u will end up with a drink that tastes like mountain dew!

Totally pointless, i know! Wahaha!
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* Thursday, February 01, 2007 *

Baby's Birthday~!!! ^_^

Our food trail for Baby's birthday celebration(s):

27th January, Saturday:

Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate chips, chocolate cream filling and chocolate/strawberry buttercream frosting in little strawberry cups! Decorated with little heart and strawberry candies~ Love the fondant wordings! ^_^

Aren't these sweet?!

Happy birthday to uuuuuuuuu...~


Lunch: Baby loves the spaghetti i cook!

Dinner: Baby requested for a burger~ My first attempt at home-made burgers!

28th January, Sunday:

After stuffing ourselves silly the previous day, jux wanted something plain for lunch; Nissin's Chu Qian Yi Ding instant noodles with fried eggs!

McSpicy Meal for him, McNuggets Meal for me~ Love the Mandarin Orange tea!

31st January, Wednesday:

It's the actual day! Went for dinner at Terra Cafe in VivoCity~

Cream of Pumpkin~ Was really rich and palatable!

Grapefruit Tea Swirl~

The fish was wonderfully crispy on the outside and remarkably moist and tender on the inside~ It literally melted in my mouth! A must-try!

Single scoop of chocolate ice-cream as dessert~

Happy birthday once again, baby~ ^_^
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