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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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2nd December
Mass Comm student

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* Friday, September 29, 2006 *


I've jux realised there's so many different brands of chocolates in my fridge. Let's see... there's Ferrero Rocher, M&M's, Kinder Bueno, Cadbury Time Out, Mars Bar, Meiji Chocobaby Chocolate, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Pocky...~

Dun ask me why. I duno either~
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* Friday, September 22, 2006 *

TDMC Presentation~

It's the last day of school before we have our one week study break, followed by exams. Presented our TDMC (The Dynamics of Mass Communication) project today, and our chosen topic was Homosexuality in Mainstream Media~ It was without a doubt, an interesting subject to research on, and i must share with u all this video we found and included in our presentation! ;p

Some scenes might be a tad obscene for some of u~ but we absolutely loved it! Haha! Enjoy!

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* Wednesday, September 20, 2006 *

It's Bro's birthday~

Ahh my juvenile bro turns a juvenile 14 today~ So young can?! I jealous! =( Why my mum wait for 6 years den give birth to him... make me so jealous that he's so much younger than me! But nvm la, can bully! Hee~

The Coco Exotic cake from Four Leaves was really yummy! Dark luscious layer of chocolate on top, soft creamy spongy middle and the wafer layer at the bottom~ Those who have not tried it before should really go check it out someday~

Anyway, happy birthday to my pimply oddball of a bro! ^_^
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* Tuesday, September 19, 2006 *

TPSW presentation~

Our TPSW's an individual project, and the topic sounds relatively simple; choose a product and talk about it for 3 minutes. The thing is, going up to the stage alone to speak gets me all jittery. For people like me who avoid public speaking like the plague, 3 minutes seemed like 3 hours~ But well, i survived to tell the tale~

My initial choice of product was the Mars Bar, but i changed it to M&M's simply coz there's more to share about the latter~

*M&M's World in Las Vegas*

Gosh look at all that pretty colours! Puts u in a cheery mood, dun they? ^_^ Anyway i got a 9 out of 10 for my presentation, which is not too bad! ^_^

I can't resist posting a few more pictures of M&M's coz they look so pretty!

*Easter M&M's*

*Pink M&M's! Sooooo pretty!*

See hiddy, i told u there's pink M&M's! Wahaha!~
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* Saturday, September 09, 2006 *

Full-length "Torn" video!

For those who were interested in the video i uploaded on my previous entry, i found a full-length version! However, this video appears to be filmed on another occasion; his actions were not as slick~ Still funny nevertheless! ^_^

Watch it to judge for urself!

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* Friday, September 08, 2006 *

First formal oral presentation~

Forgive my procrastination! Been so caught up with the friggin' projects that i can't find the time to drag my ass here to blog. Working in group projects lets u learn valuable lessons. U will realise that there are impossibly irresponsible and lazy dimwits all around, no matter which level u are in. These people can jux conveniently disappear whenever there's work to be done!

It jux infuriates me that they are getting the project grades which they didn't work for! GRRRRR...~!

Enuff talk about those imbeciles!

Today's the very first formal oral presentation of my life. By this, i mean that this is the first oral presentation i had to do in formal attire; which i dun even own. Went with Ting to bugis on wednesday to hunt for cheap formal stuff~

I've already bought a pale yellow top previously and i was wondering whether to go for pants or skirt for my bottom. In the end, i got a white skirt for only $15. I brought my top along to change into so i can look at the end result in my changing room mirror~

I look so virginal can! Haha~ Look like school teacher sia~ But then i thought it looks ok and Ting said it looks nice so i got it anyway~

Also bought a new pair of shoes for $25.90. It's glittery sliver, with those pointed fronts. Fuck sia, presentation only also must spend so much money~

Had dinner in the V8 Movie Cafe in Bugis Junction. We ordered fish n' chips and shared wedges with cheese. Food was satisfactory, considering the affordable prices~

I realised i've digressed. Anyway, back to the presentation, it went ok, except for some minor screw-ups coz some people are not familiar with their parts, u see. Well i wonder why~

This presentation is for my Human & Mass Communication (HMC) and we chose the topic "Non-verbal Communication: The Life of the Deaf". There's this one video which we included in the end of our slides and it cracked everyone up!

I uploaded it onto Youtube and here's the video! All of u should know what this song is! Enjoy!

P/S: The new computer came!
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