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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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2nd December
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* Monday, July 31, 2006 *

Saved by Vitagen!

I noe my previous entry is about food but i have to blog about my bowel movements now. But i shall be benevolent and replace shit with poo~ ^_^

6am : Was woken up by a very bad stomachache. Half-awake, i trudged to the toilet and tried to shit poo. I struggled for about half an hour but still nothing came. Went back to sleep~

8am: Was awoken again by the relentless pain in my stomach. Tried to poo again but still nothing came. Took some medicine to relieve the pain a little~

10am: Tried to poo again but still to no avail. Growing desperate~

11am: Still no shit poo! Getting to be very annoyed by this "want to poo but it dowan to come out" feeling!

11.30am: Mum said there could be "wind" inside my stomach. She asked me to apply Yu Yee Oil~

You noe this commercial where this little girl goes up to her mum and says, "Ma, wo du zi tong! (Ma, i have stomachache!)", then her mum applied this Yu Yee Oil for her. After which, the scene cuts to where the girl grinned at the screen and says, "Ma, wo shu fu duo le! Wo gang cai hai POOT le yi sheng! (Ma, i'm feeling better! I even POOT jux now!)"

Hence, this particular oil gave me some hope that it might help me induce some poo~

12pm: Applied Yu Yee Oil and waited. Stomachache was eased by quite a lot. But i never poot like the girl in the commercial leh. Bluff one~

3.30pm: I thought of drinking Yakult or Vitagen to help me poo. I was never more desperate to poo!

5pm: Mum bought Vitagen. Drank one bottle immediately and waited~

6.30pm: Oh my goodness i poo-ed! But feel like only poo half leh. Other half still not out yet~

9pm: Drank another bottle of Vitagen and waited~

11pm: I poo-ed again! I won the struggle against the poo war! Vitagen is now officially my shit inducer saviour! *fireworks*

P/S: Wah lucky today no school!
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* Saturday, July 22, 2006 *


Just the other day i was on the way home when my bus went past this row of shophouses along Bukit Timah and saw the distinct signboard of Al-ameen Eating House. *Cue moment of nostalgia* I remember going there for meals after school back when i was still in MI. Decided there and then to drop in this weekend since it's been so long i've gone there. Can even reminisce a bit. Hee~

I haven't really tried the pratas from Al-ameen coz we've always only ordered the zi char dishes, except for the cheese prata which Al-ameen is famous for. Tried it only once, found it overrated, never tried it since. This time round, we decided to go for the chicken murtabak, as well as giving the cheese prata another try~

Our milo dinosaurs came 1st~

*Pardon the blurriness!*

The service at Al-ameen has always been quite slow. In today's case, we had to wait for around 30 minutes before our pratas arrived~ -_-"

The murtabak wasn't as good as i expected. The chicken inside was a tad too dry for my liking and there was much much more onions than chicken~ O_o" The cheese prata remains overrated; the cheese is like almost non-existent! More cheese then shiok ma! The egg prata was just mediocre~

Total bill came up to about $12+ for the both of us. Overall, the meal wasn't as satisfying as i thought it would be. But then again, it's not fair to judge the standard of Al-ameen based on these. After all, Al-ameen is quite acclaimed~

Just as we walked out to pay the bill, we came across these big banners:

Goodness. Now there's milo king kong~ O_o"

Took a bus and went to orchard. Since i had Orange Julius' discount vouchers, we decided to head over to Takashimaya's outlet and get a drink~

*Pardon the poor resolution!*

Couldn't resist the look of those sausages and bought it! They were tasty enough to make our 2 bucks well spent~ The drink was smooth and rich but a teeny bit too sweet for my taste though~

Since this entry is all about food, i shall post up what we had for dinner too:

Popped by Plaza Singapura and jalan-ed around before we went up to the foodcourt for our dinner at around 7+pm. The char kway teow and chai tow kway were from the same store and there was quite a long queue~ The former was a bit too bland and not spicy enough although i asked for it to be; as for the latter, the taste of dark soya sauce was too prominent. The lime juice was a good finish though!
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* Monday, July 17, 2006 *

A new beginning~

Pootato sounds like fart. Well some idiot took couch potato! Anyway hiddy said pootato sounds cuter so that kinda made it a teeny bit better. Hiddy u mux feel damn honoured k coz i mentioned u in my first entry of my new blog! Haha. Anyway, this is like my 4th blog since i first started blogging 4, 5 years ago. This blogskin is actually from my 2nd blog but i liked it so much i decided to use it again; except that i tweaked a bit of the layout, colours, fonts, cursors and blah blah. Looks kinda kiddish but it suits me! Haha~

I'm intending to make this blog into half a food blog. Only half coz i'm no food connoisseur; i'm only on the constant search for good and cheap grub. I dunno how to review food that well and i dun cook often. I'm just a poor student giving my 2 cents' worth!

Today's the 1st day of my mass communication course with Oklahoma City University at MDIS. It was quite a last minute decision to switch to MDIS as i had previously seriously contemplated going for the mass communication course at Informatics with University of Southern Queensland. However i heard some bad stuff about Informatics and made an about-turn at the eleventh hour to the more reputable MDIS. I applied on the 13th, and i started school today! No time to even adjust my brain that has been sleeping ever since the end of A'levels back to studying, as i was expecting to start school only in august at Informatics~

Anyway, 1st day of school always suck, no matter which level. U dunno anyone and u feel kinda lost, ur in a new and unfamiliar environment and u feel like u have been removed from your comfort zone with strangers milling around u. What's more, sometimes i'm just really lazy to make friends all over again~

The lecture theatre in which my lectures are being conducted is more like a cinema rather than the conventional lecture theatre. Spacious comfy armchairs for my lazy butt! ^_^ Facilities are rather new as this new campus is newly renovated. 4 modules per semester; my 1st 4 modules are namely The Dynamics of Mass Communication, Human and Mass Communication, Social Behavioural Studies and Techniques of Professional Speaking and Writing. I prefer the modules in 2nd sememster which includes TV and radio production!

Luckily i have a direct bus service from my house to MDIS. Throughout the different levels of my school years, i somehow always have a straight bus from my house to the respective schools. If not, the schools are within walking distance. It even seems that i can go to almost any destination i want from my house with a direct bus service. This is good karma, people!

I realise this is a rather incoherent entry. Oh well.
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